Deal or No Deal with Howie Mandell
Back in the day, I had the fun privilege of being one of the many coordinators that worked on the #1 American game show, Deal Or No Deal. Hosted by Howie Mandel. He was the The real deal! Kind, funny, and with an up beat disposition no matter how long the days of shooting were (12 to 17 hour days). Despite the long hours once we starred shooting it was not hard to become invested in each episode, because of all the incredible contestants that were sharing their different life struggles and heart warming stories. It was special to play a tiny role in families lives changing for the better! As well as knowing that home viewers could enjoy a family friendly show.
Did you have a favorite model? Well, one year for Halloween I asked if I could borrow one of the cases so I could be my favorite model #25 Miss Hayley Marie Norman!
After 10 years the show is returning. You will not see Case #24 Meghan Merkle because I hear she has her hands full being the Duchess of Sussex.😉
However sweet, kind and ageless, case #9@patriciakara will be there so look for her!
If you could use a little cheering, tune in!